lively and colorful design.
Made in Italy.

AVOLIO living design treasures

It’s about life with all its colours and facets, staged in an eye-catching and multifunctional way. Suza Avolio’s design is intended to be fun, to create strong colour accents and to bring even black sheep into colourful life .

Inspired by surrealism as well as by nature, she founded AVOLIO living design treasures in 2022 with the mission of bridging the gap between functional furniture and decorative accessories. The aim is to breathe a harmonious and at the same time exclusive personality into every design.

About Suza Avolio...

The visionary behind Avolio-Design is the versatile Suza Avolio, a true multipotentialite whose creations are defined by an unwavering passion for nature, science, and surrealism. As a vibrant and colourful innovator, she designs exceptional products, seamlessly blending diverse fields of expertise to produce designs that transcend traditional boundaries.


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